
Remote Control Architecture for Virtual Reality Application for Ankle Therapy

Published in To be published on Proceedings of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE), 2020

This paper introduces briefly a robotic device for ankle rehabilitation and the control scheme, shows the development of a virtual reality racing game and introduces a third element, the physiotherapist computer, which can change remotely the robot resistance, thus increasing the game difficulty.

Recommended citation: Villamizar, J.Y.M.; Ostan I.; Ortega D.A.E.; Siqueira, A.A.G. (2019). "Remote Control Architecture for Virtual Reality Application for Ankle Therapy" To be published on Proceedings of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE). 1(3).

Analysis of Matrix Factorization Techniques for Extraction of Motion Motor Primitive

Published in To be published on Proceedings of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE), 2020

The present work analyzes the results yielded by four of the most used matrix factoring techniques (PCA, ICA, NNMF, SOBI) using electromyography signals. The results suggest that the PCA is the technique that best managed to reconstruct the EMG signals after their factorization, with a virtually zero relative error. The SOBI technique also yielded satisfactory results, followed by NNMF and finally ICA, which presented a reconstructed signal quite different from the original.

Recommended citation: Nunes, P. F.; Ostan I.; Siqueira, A.A.G. (2019). "Analysis of Matrix Factorization Techniques for Extraction of Motion Motor Primitives." To be published on Proceedings of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE). (2020).

Control Design Inspired by Motors Primitives to Coordinate the Functioning of an Active Knee Orthosis for Robotic Rehabilitation

Published in To be published on Proceedings of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE), 2020

The primitives are calculated from the torques obtained by OpenSim’s Inverse Dynamics, which are used as input into the scaled model of the subject that used the orthosis along with the positions provided by the encoders of the orthosis fixed to the knee joint of the subject, who performed the extension/flexion movement. The proposed strategy was evaluated using a Forward Dynamics algorithm, through which new knee position data were obtained.

Recommended citation: Nunes, P. F.; Mosconi, D.;Ostan I.; Ortega D.A.E.; Siqueira, A.A.G. (2019). "Control Design Inspired by Motors Primitives to Coordinate the Functioning of an Active Knee Orthosis for Robotic Rehabilitation." To be published on Proceedings of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE). (2020).

Design and Validation of a Human-Exoskeleton Model for Evaluating Interaction Controls Applied to Rehabilitation Robotics

Published in 2020 8th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob), 2020

Recommended citation: Mosconi, D.; Nunes, P. F.;Ostan I.; Siqueira, A.A.G. (2020). Design and Validation of a Human-Exoskeleton Model for Evaluating Interaction Controls Applied to Rehabilitation Robotics. To be published on 2020 8th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob). (2020).’

Recommended citation: Mosconi, D.; Nunes, P. F.;Ostan I.; Siqueira, A.A.G. (2020). "Design and Validation of a Human-Exoskeleton Model for Evaluating Interaction Controls Applied to Rehabilitation Robotics." To be published on 2020 8th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob). (2020).

Lower Limbs Embodiment through CCD Algorithm for Physical Rehabilitation With Virtual Reality (Incorporação de membros inferiores através do algoritmoccd para prática de terapia física com realidade virtual).

Published in IV Mechanical Engineering Graduate Research Symposium from EESC-USP, 2019

This paper shows the results of an inverse kinematics algorithm based on Cyclic Coordinate Descent (CCD) as a means of providing a more intense feeling of presence inside virtual reality for lower limbs rehabilitation purposes.

Recommended citation: Ostan, I.; Siqueira, A. A. G. (2019). "Incorporação de Membros Inferiores através do Algoritmo CCD para Prática de Terapia Física com Realidade Virtual." Anais do IV Simpósio do Programae Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica da EESC-USP. (2019).

Motion Capture of a Lower Limbs Exoskeleton For Virtual Reality Application with a Treadmill

Published in Procceedings of the 24th ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, 2019

This work describes the development of a virtual reality application, in which the legs movement of a person wearing a lower limbs robotic exoskeleton can be tracked and reproduced virtually, while the person walks on a treadmill.

Recommended citation: Ostan, I.; Siqueira, A. A. G. (2019). "Motion Capture of a Lower Limbs Exoskeleton For Virtual Reality Application with a Treadmill." Procceedings of the 24th ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering. (2019).